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We recently had the great pleasure of installing our MYPorter middleware solution at the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People in Edinburgh.  The team carried out job allocation testing around the facility.  This is a new build which looks fantastic and they now have a superb task allocation system to their Hytera two way radios.  The on-site coverage was first-rate and completed by Digital Angel Radio in Glasgow. 

The choice of two way radio was obvious for this site, given the robustness of their IT systems and immunity from the devastating WannaCry virus which struck so many NHS hospitals and caused approximately 90 million to resolve. 

The MYPorter middleware is able to enhance the current CAFM system, giving the discrete task notifications to the porter team to meet their KPI’s and to assist the patients to make a fast recovery.  Karl and Jamie completed the install and spent the time with the on-site team for training and to ensure the set-up was correct.  We continue to support the team as they open their doors to patients young and old.

The annual Humber Bridge SoapBox Derby took place on Saturday the 22nd of June.  The event was in aid of HEY Smile Foundation and saw entrants from across the country.  Hundreds of excited spectators arrived in the bright sunshine to witness the event.  Most turned out to support their family and friends – some turned out to watch the chaos and the accidents. The premise was simple – build a soapbox, decorate the soapbox, dress like idiots and push the soapbox (with fearless driver) as fast as possible down a hill filled with obstacles. 

The fastest soapbox across the five timed runs would be declared the champion.  The MYPorter team created a soapbox to resemble a hospital bed complete with patient.  The patients injuries were not life threatening however with two broken arms and a badly severed leg they were enough to make even the toughest wince with pain.  Dressed as hospital porters we pushed the soapbox down on its maiden voyage, we were all amazed that it reached the bottom in one piece – it wasn’t fast – but it was in one piece.  Throughout the day the crowds grew and the teams raced.  Sadly we were not as quick as the real life porters but it was an amazing experience from start to finish.  We are planning for next years soapbox and to continue to support this amazing charity!

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Mercury Building 131, Humber Enterprise Park, Brough, East Yorkshire, HU15 1YJ. England, UK

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